This is probably the easiest way to catch up on the big things. Work doesn’t change much- it continues to be crazy and I don’t particularly like it, but that’s what it is for right now. There’s potential for me to be able to get at least get my feet wet with a small project soon that would be a nice change of pace in the direction I want to be going in so we’ll see what happens. I’m not holding my breath for anything.
Mom-in-law’s birthday was a week ago today, so last Sunday. We went over to their house for brunch to celebrate with her and had a lovely afternoon. We brought some salads from Harolds and some black and white cookies for dessert. She brought out her just incredible collection of jewelry and we went through most every piece and she told us the history of it, the story behind it. She was kind and generous enough to bestow upon me the most incredible gift of his grandmother’s favorite pendant. Even in the short time I was lucky enough to know her, I knew how much that meant to her so to be gifted with this was almost overwhelming, for both of us.
All in all, it was a lovely day of family time.
I still have at least one more weekend to catch up on, but I’ve got to get off to bed now. This change of the clocks in just awfully hard for me to adjust to. This year with the weather already being so cold, it’s not going to make it easier. I need to make it out of the office at least a couple of days a week for lunch, just to get a few minutes of sunshine.
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