The short story is that work is hell and doesn’t leave me time or brainpower for anything else during the week and the weekends have been busy too. I’m going to try and do this in reverse order to catch up.
This past weekend was Halloween, one of my favorite holidays. We didn’t decorate the house this year, I’m not sure why other than neither of us was really is a state to fuss with it. Plus time is moving too quickly. I can’t believe it’s November already, and that we’ve changed the clocks. It was dark by like 6 tonight. Ugh. Today we drove up to Woodstock to see a friend and enjoy the drive of watching the leaves change. Next time we have to plan for something to eat along the way. On the way out of town we passed a caviar store, of all things, so this time we had to stop and have a look around. I bought the Husband some salmon caviar and some gravlox. I’m sure he’ll have some of that for brunch tomorrow with fresh bagels from the bagel store that opened up down the road. By the time they got there today they were out of bagels and already really closed. Yesterday we drove all over Long Island before going to Jason’s Halloween party. We got to drive through the old neighborhood and see the house he grew up in, the places he traveled. We also drove over the bridge to the beach and got to see the moon over the water which was pretty cool. Before the party we had some Japanese food delivered for dinner with Jason and Dawn. It was rather tasty and we were rather hungry, having not eaten much of anything all day. We left fairly early as the apartment was warm and it was starting to rain so we figured to try and beat the storm. But that’s why we had gotten there early, so we’d have time to hang with Jas before every one else showed up. Need to get him out here to visit.
Lots of time in the car this weekend. It’s a very comfortable ride, and I truly appreciate that, but it was still a lot of hours.
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