You are currently browsing the archives for 27 June 2009.
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so far, so fabulous

  • Posted on June 27, 2009 at 5:15 pm

Today has definitely been a better day than recent ones have been. My head still hurts but I can deal with it.

I got out to the Amish this morning, in time to get the Husband the bacon, egg and cheese logs he likes. It wasn’t too crowded for a pork roast Saturday except for the fruit and veggie stand of all places. No fish this week, at the Husband’s request. Chicken breasts and pork tenderloin. Beef and turkey burgers in case we decide to BBQ. (But I think I forgot rolls!) I have some pork marinading for tonight. I’m thinking panko chicken breasts and roast potatoes for tomorrow.

I got to the Montgomery Farmers Market today and was THRILLED. This is more what I’ve been looking for from a farmer’s market! There were still only 6 or 8  stands (one of which was the Griggstown Farm Market) but so much better than the one-stand one in Franklin. I got a huge bag of English peas (of which I’ve eaten about half already) and some huge blueberries, some peach cider (which will make a great cocktail mixer!) from a stand that had some great breads and a peach salsa I will get next week, local farm fresh eggs, and cherries. Not just cherries, sweet AND sour cherries. I have a pound of each. I haven’t quite figured out what I’m going to do with them yet. Next week I’m going to pick up some local honey, too. I can’t wait to see what they’ll have as we get into the summer since it’s still too early for much of the fruits and veggies.

I got some peaches at the supermarket yesterday so I could make some more sorbet. That’s cooling in the fridge now before I can puree it and freeze it. It doesn’t taste as good as the last batch did. I’m wondering if it’s because they are supermarket peaches or if how I cooked it made a difference? Last time I cooked them with the water for 10-15 minutes then added the sugar, cooled it somewhat and then reheated it to reduce slightly. Today I added the sugar gradually as they were cooking in those first 10-15 minutes. I’m also going to make the banana ice cream again probably tomorrow. I was contemplating something frozen with the cherries, maybe a frozen yogurt? Or maybe I’ll just make them into syrup again. I don’t know…haven’t decided yet.

And Yay for having a laptop to work in on the kitchen!! Many thanks to the wonderful Husband for the continued geek-love.