You are currently browsing the archives for 31 December 2009.
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New Year’s Eve

  • Posted on December 31, 2009 at 3:14 pm

Some unexpected snow the morning of New Year’s Eve necessitated a change in plans. No Amish or liquor store. Put the one bottle of “champagne” we did have in the fridge. The Husband went to pick up Harold’s, for both dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow. I’m sure we’ll have enough desserts and food, even without what I’d meant to get out today to pick up.

We’ve spent most of the day cleaning and setting up the house. It’s now 4:30. I still have about 20 minutes worth of finishing up to do. The Husband’s in the shower now. I just need to be ready and semi-dressed by 7-ish. The house sparkles. I’m pooped. Time to make my espresso for the evening. I’m so grateful that we bought the machine a few years ago when things were more flush. Times like this it truly comes in handy. ‘Cause having to go out to S’bux would suck.

2009 was certainly a mixed bag year. No matter what came our way, we did manage to survive it, together. May the coming year be just a little easier for us all.