You are currently browsing the archives for 21 November 2009.
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chocolate class

  • Posted on November 21, 2009 at 7:57 pm

I just reserved a seat at the “chocolate truffles and treats” class at the International Culinary Center in February!!  They had offered it in Sept but I didn’t reserve in time. I’m so glad that I decided to have another look today and see if they were offering it again. I’ve always wanted to learn more about working with and making my own chocolates. Now I can justify asking for at least one of the chocolate books for the holidays this year. I just need to decide which one.

I also ordered a book from Amazon today on macarons, not the coconut ones but the French cookies, colorful and jammy.

Really should talk to my brother about both the above, too. I’m sure he’d have info on the chocolates for certain, if not the macarons as well. And Joe at Plucky.

Yay for doing something for me! And major thanks to the Husband for encouraging me to do so.