You are currently browsing the archives for 22 January 2009.
Displaying 1 entry.

Welcome to my blog!

  • Posted on January 22, 2009 at 2:51 pm

Welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere.

What you’ll find here will be an amalgam of my life, where it is and where it goes. Right now both the Husband and I are looking for work, so there will be some ranting about that I’m sure (and hopefully some celebrating in not too long order). We’re foodies, so there will be lots of food talk- things we make and things we eat, both at home and out. I’ve also got some health issues, so from time to time you may find posts on those as well.

This is an adult blog so there may well be talk of adult things. I will try to mark them NSFW if I remember. But I may not.

More about this, and me, is on the About Me page so feel free to take a look there.
