We went out to our favorite brunch spot, elements, in Princeton, NJ this morning. They are kind enough to seat us in the kitchen at the chef’s table whenever we come in. It makes things easier so we don’t have to worry about moving with the Husband’s allergies to perfume, should someone come in with a “waft”. It’s also SO much more fun for us to be able to sit and hang out in the kitchen and get fed! Way cool.
They had corned beef hash back on the menu so the Husband was thrilled. They make it with poached eggs and fois gras. I had pancakes with fresh berry compote (yum!!!!!). Joe the sous chef introduced us to BLiS maple syrup. Good Goddess is that tasty stuff! Probably the best maple syrup I have ever had. So I now need to go order a bottle of that as well as some of thier vanilla fleur de sel, which will go incredibly in some ice cream, I think.
I have another batch of banana ice cream in the freezer now. I made it with more butter and brown sugar this time. I may need to start making it with 4 bananas instead of the three it calls for. I’m not quite sure yet, but I think it’s missing something. So now I have this, yesterday’s peach sorbet and the chocolate sorbet all in the freezer right now. I’m SO glad we got this big fridge last year! Our old one could never have held it all. Part of the reason I hadn’t used the ice cream maker till now was the space it took up in the old freezer was enormous.
I still don’t know what I’m doing with the sour cherries. I pitted them all (by hand, no gadget) and added 2 teaspoons of sugar and am letting them sit right now and give up some juice while I ponder this. I really do need to do something with them by tomorrow, though.