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Customer Service- Or Lack Thereof

  • Posted on September 23, 2016 at 12:12 pm

Living up in the mountains, sometimes we don’t have a lot of options for different services, things we took for granted whilst living in NJ. One of the things we had a hard time with was finding a seamstress to handle mostly minor alterations. There just wasn’t really anyone around. FINALLY one opened in town. Unfortunately, I recently had the absolute worst customer service experience and will likely not go back to her. She managed to make me feel like her absolutely least important customer, so if I’m that unimportant to her, I’d rather schlep and find someone who values my business a bit more.

That’s the short version. Long version behind the cut….

Pain, pain, go away….

  • Posted on July 29, 2016 at 2:22 pm

No need to come back any other day! Or place. I’m just done with this crap. (Rant continues….)

Next injection, Day 1

  • Posted on July 19, 2016 at 1:53 pm

Health and medical crud to follow, read at your own risk….

The nature of the beast…

  • Posted on August 6, 2014 at 2:20 pm

Today was what we call “hatchet day” at the office, where the talk around the virtual water cooler is all about “did you hear who got rif’d?” RIF= reduction in force, the Britishism for being part of a group layoff.  Today we lost a lot of good people. Some were happy to get their severance package and move on; others….not so much. So now that all that is done, it’s unusually quiet in a space housing 300 or so people in open cubes.Eerie. The only (selfishly) good thing about today is that there is no longer a never-ending candy bowl across the aisle from me. Getting chocolate now will actually take effort. And I’m ok with that. Self-control is easier when you need to get up and go down the hall (with a credit card no less!) and get it yourself then when you can just grab a mini piece across the way.

Otherwise, it’s status quo around here. Mostly anyways.

Two large waters, one walk done so far. I”m going to try and get a second walk in a bit later. (Edited to add: second walk done; may or may not get a third in.

Breakfast: iced coffee with soy milk

Lunch: Chicken noodle soup, chicken gyro (sauce on the side for dipping, left most of the bread, ate all of the veggies)

Snacks: sm bag potato chips (not my fault, they came with my lunch!); FD nuts and stuff;

Well well

  • Posted on July 24, 2011 at 4:27 pm

This house. I love this house. But this is one damn quirky little house. With water issues. Lots of water issues. This time around it was a leak from the well. As it turns out, we haven’t had any service done on the well in the 17 years the Husband has lived in the house, and the access to it was one of the things that was actually done right. So, remarkably, it was a bit less of a hassle than we’d thought it was going to be when the Husband first saw water sheeting onto the driveway.

Note to self: don’t talk about anything mechanical related when in bed and not quite clear on it. There’s a little bit of a difference between turning on and off the pump for the well and the water for the house. Especially when one is in the shower thinking you’ve turned ON the former, when you’ve actually turned OFF the latter. Yes…that was my Thursday morning. Gah. Not fun.

I’m grateful it’s all back to normal now, with less cost and damage to the azaleas than we’d originally thought it was going to be.

Summer Heatwave

  • Posted on July 23, 2011 at 5:19 pm

We’re at the end of this horrific hellacious heatwave here in NJ and throughout much of the country right now. I’m grateful that we’ve managed to maintain power, which means air conditioning and computers….and the Husband’s sanity. I did still manage to get out to run some errands today, but early for me. I’m glad that Griggstown has a stand at the farmer’s market. Usually I go up to the farm itself so I can check out their fruits and veggies, but today I was grateful to just get a couple of chickens and not have to make an extra stop and get out of the car again. I can roast a chicken in the convection toaster oven and not have to heat up the house. Chicken salad for the Husband, and something for me with the thighs, maybe make some couscous to go with them. Since it would be just for me, I could even think about doing it in the microwave.

I bailed on the dry cleaners, that’ll have to wait. Tomorrow it’s ONLY supposed to get up to 93. Only 93? That’s crazy hot even for me, and I don’t mind it warm. Not sure what we’ll do about dinner tonight. I got some ground beef, though they didn’t have the all natural, and I hadn’t thought to get any from the organic farm that now sells at the farmers market. Next week I will have to, it seems, so ground beef, maybe some steaks. I’ll make some tacos at some point this week for dinner. I’ll roast a pepper when I roast the next chicken tomorrow.

For today, though, there’s some more chicken salad, some cooked shrimp, cold cuts and salad fixin’s, and pita and humus would be fine for me. Might be some other options lurking in the fridge. And fruit. I have plenty of fruit. There are peaches and sugar plums and blueberries and cherries and an orange flesh melon that was oh so sweet.

And did anyone get the name of that truck that hit me, backed up, and then rolled over again?

Minor aggravation

  • Posted on June 27, 2011 at 5:27 pm

There’s nothing more frustrating than getting the call from the doctor’s office that they have your lab results…and getting the message just after they close the phones so you can’t call back till the following day. ARGH!

At least they called in my Rx refill today, for which there is finally a generic available!

Better living through pharmacology…..

dusts off soap box…

  • Posted on June 20, 2011 at 6:26 pm

<dusts off soap box….>

Inspired by a dear friend who has started her own blog to chronicle her family’s incredible journey, I’ve decided that it’s more than high time to dust off my sounding board here and get back to blogging. Even if no one but my Husband reads it! <waves to my Beloved>

Originally I thought this was going to be mostly a food blog, but I don’t cook much these days and when we go out to eat about 95% of the time it’s to Elements in Princeton- not that I’m complaining about that, mind you, but there’s only so many times I can go on about how wonderful they are, both staff and food. (And they do continue to be absolutely wonderful in every way.) I don’t want this to just be about my health. I HATE going on about my health issues, I hate thinking about them, I hate dealing with them, and I sure as heck don’t want to force anyone else to listen to them, so for the most part they will still remain behind the links.

But I think I’m going to just ramble a bit more here then I have been.  So we’ll see what spews forth.

Thought for today….how is tomorrow Summer Solstice? Where did my Spring go?!?!!?

morning musings

  • Posted on October 3, 2009 at 8:19 am

– I love my Husband more than I can possibly express and am grateful every day to be his Wife.

– even on the weekends I don’t get to sleep in as much as I’d like. probably better for my sleep habits but I don’t like it much.

– I’m not sure what I’m more excited about today, going to the Newtown Amish Market with the Husband or getting my hair cut this afternoon.

– cold makes me cranky. I miss fall. where did it go?

– kittens are too freaking cute for words, and I’m grateful I get to see them and that the Husband got pics of them.

– I need more spoons (see the spoon theory if you’re not sure what I’m talking about)

– I can deal with the pain, I hate the fatigue. but the headaches are slowly driving me insane.

– Fraking doctors. Damn meds.

– I’m so in love with my Husband.

Headache update

  • Posted on October 1, 2009 at 7:32 am

Went to the doctor yesterday.